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How can I change my nickname?

How can I register my nickname?

How can I create my own channel?


For more help you can visit #Europa-IRC or ask the team members.


How can I change my nickname?

You can change your nickname with the following command: /nick Nickname

e.g. /nick Billy


How can I register my nickname?

For registering you nickname use this command: /msg NickServ register password e-mail

e.g. /msg NickServ register gh67

Follow the instructions.

When the registration is successful you must identify yourself once you are on IRC: /msg NickServ identify password

e.g. /msg NickServ identify gh67


How can I create my own channel?

In order to register a channel you need a registered nickname and you must be on the channel.

You can join or create a channel with /join #channel 

e.g. /join #Europa-IRC


When the channel isn't already registered you get operator status and you can register it with: /msg ChanServ register channel channeldescription

e.g. /msg ChanServ register #IRC-Channel My channel

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